6 Ways to Repurpose Old Blogs for Lead Generation and Engagement

Blogging might not be the newest form of content marketing, but it’s still one of the most valuable ways for lead generation, engaging customers, and building thought leadership. In fact, according to SEMRush, blogs are still the most popular content format, with 9 out of 10 marketers using them to achieve their promotional goals.

Unfortunately, even if you produce amazing blog posts, packed full of useful information, your content can start to lose it’s impact over time. Eventually, you may find yourself looking at a list of incredible blog posts, wishing there was a way to reuse and recycle some of that valuable content.

Fortunately, there is! There are actually plenty of ways you can repurpose old blog posts, to enhance your lead generation and customer engagement strategies. Here are just some of the best strategies you can try, to make your blog content go further in 2024.

1.    Play With the Format

While written content is excellent for improving your search engine rankings, and demonstrating in-depth knowledge of your field, it’s not the most appealing content option for every audience. Sometimes, the best way to make your blog post go further, is to convert into a variety of different formats, such as:

  • Video: Online videos have an audience reach of around 92% worldwide, making them an excellent tool for capturing and engaging new leads. Consider transforming your blog post into a video script, with the help of a virtual assistant, to reach a visual-focused audience.
  • Infographics: Search through your most popular blog posts for valuable snippets of information you can include in an infographic. You could turn data and statistics into graphs, or just add small quotes from certain sections to your page. Then you can share your infographic on channels like Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
  • Podcasts: Transform your blog post into an audio podcast, diving deeper into the topics you cover throughout the piece, or interviewing other experts on some of the questions raised. You can even ask your VA for tips on how to format your podcast episodes.

2.    Use Blog Posts to Create Social Media Posts

Social media channels are excellent for generating leads, and improving the relationships you have with your customers. However, to get the most value out of your social channels, you need to be able to constantly share interesting, thought-provoking content.

If you’re running out of ideas on what to posts, go back to your top-performing blog posts, and look for inspiration. You can take snippets or quotes from some of your most popular blogs, and turn them into captions for social media channels like X, LinkedIn, or even Instagram.

Alternatively, you could transform points from your blog posts into questions, and create polls that give you deeper insights into your customers. For instance, if you have a blog post about the benefits of working with a VA, you could create a poll asking:

  • What are your VA’s most valuable skills?
  • What would convince you to hire a VA this year?
  • How much money or time has your VA saved you in the last year?

3.    Create a Compelling Newsletter

Similar to blogs, newsletters are a valuable resource for collecting, nurturing, and engaging leads. Your email contact list is full of both existing customers and potential buyers you should be interacting with on a regular basis.

Rather than just sharing newsletters that highlight your latest accomplishments, or products and service offerings, consider taking snippets out of your blog posts for your newsletters. You can include a list of your top-performing posts related to a specific topic in a newsletter, or highlight some of the key stats and information you revealed in a previous article.

Including links back to your blog posts in your newsletter is a great way to increase traffic to your website, and improve your chances of converting new customers, or increasing the lifetime value of your existing audience.

4.    Turn Blogs into an eBook

Ebooks are one of the most popular lead magnets, promising potential buyers a wealth of easily accessible information. Around 55% of small businesses say eBooks help them generate a significant number leads and opportunities.

Unfortunately, creating an eBook from scratch is complex and time consuming, particularly if you don’t have a content creation professional on your team. However, if you already have a range of useful blog posts related to a specific topic, you can save yourself some effort by combining the information from those posts into a more comprehensive piece.

The key to success is making sure you merge your content effectively. Make sure the eBook is well structured, with clear sections and takeaway points. Add additional valuable information whenever you can, and ensure all of your insights are up to date.

5.    Transform Your Blog into a Checklist

In a world where customers have limited attention spans (both in the B2C and B2B landscapes), it pays to create content that’s quick, concise, and easy to consume. Checklists can be valuable, actionable resources for companies who need quick and simple guidance on a particular topic.

You could even consider using a checklist as a lead magnet, if you’re struggling to collect new contacts for your email marketing list. Search through your blog posts for how-to and listicle style content that you can easily reformat into a checklist.

For instance, you might have a blog about “How to optimize your next Facebook ad campaign”. When creating your checklist, make sure it’s easy to scan through all of the steps, and avoid using too many words. You might even consider using dynamic content tools that allow users to actually “check” each step as they take it.

6.    Update Your Blogs and Share them on LinkedIn

Finally, if you’re not using LinkedIn for lead generation already, then you definitely should be. LinkedIn isn’t just a great resource for connecting with other businesses and potential employees. It’s also a great place to showcase your professional brand and thought leadership.

Unlike most social media platforms, LinkedIn allows users to share longer articles on the platform, complete with helpful backlinks to send customers to your website. While simply copying and pasting your blog post onto LinkedIn isn’t a good idea, you can get great results by updating and tweaking your posts, before you publish them on the platform.

You might even decide to break down a longer blog post into a series of smaller articles you can share on LinkedIn, focusing on specific topic segments. For example, if you have a blog about email campaigns, you could create articles related to list building, list cleaning, and newsletter design.

Bonus Tip: Monitor Your Results

All of the strategies above represent fantastic ways to extend the value of your blog posts, and upgrade the ROI of your content marketing campaigns. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all method for optimizing your lead generation and nurturing strategy.

Whether you’re repurposing your blog content into longer whitepapers and eBooks for lead magnets, sharing them in your newsletters, or posting snippets on social media, it’s important to track your results. Pay attention to engagement levels, traffic visiting your website, and even feedback from your target audience on social media and other channels.

Use the insights you gain to determine how you can effectively repurpose future blog posts, and develop a strategy for regularly “recycling” the content you create.

Make the Most out of your Old Blog Posts

Your blog posts are a valuable part of your content marketing and thought leadership strategy. They can help you to collect and nurture leads, build trust among your target audience, and even differentiate yourself from the competition.

Don’t just let your old blog posts stagnate after you publish them on your website. Make sure you’re getting the most value out of all your content, by repurposing your most successful posts for social media posts, lead generation campaigns and more!

If you need more help creating or making the most out of your blogging strategy, reach out to the Lune Valley VA team today!

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